

Get ONNX models from ONNX Model Zoo

Sample - SqeezeNet#

  • Download the SqueezeNet ONNX Model

  • Use Netron to open the model.onnx

    • Look at Model Properties to find Input & Output Tensor Name (data_0 - input; softmaxout_1 - output)

    • Look at output tensor dimensions (n,c,h,w - [1,1000,1,1] for softmaxout_1)

  • Use the label file - Labels.txt and sample image - car.JPEG to run the MIVisionX WinML Validation

  • Use –d 0 if only CPU available, else use –d 3 for GPU inference

        MIVisionX-WinML-Validate.exe [options]  --m \full-path-to-model\model.onnx
                                                --i data_0
                                                --o softmaxout_1
                                                --s 1,1000,1,1
                                                --l \full-path-to-labels\Labels.txt 
                                                --f \full-path-to-labels\car.JPEG
                                                --d 3 [optional]