Environment Variables#

The environment variable HIP_PLATFORM may be used to specify amd/nvidia:

  • HIP_PLATFORM=’amd’ or HIP_PLATFORM=’nvidia’.

  • If HIP_PLATFORM is not set, then hipcc will attempt to auto-detect based on if nvcc is found.

Other environment variable controls:

  • HIP_PATH : Path to HIP directory, default is one dir level above location of hipcc.

  • CUDA_PATH : Path to CUDA SDK (default /usr/local/cuda). Used on NVIDIA platforms only.

  • HIP_ROCCLR_HOME : Path to HIP/ROCclr directory. Used on AMD platforms only.

  • HIP_CLANG_PATH : Path to HIP-Clang (default to …/…/llvm/bin relative to hipcc’s abs_path). Used on AMD platforms only.