Texture management (deprecated)#
hipError_t hipBindTextureToMipmappedArray(const textureReference *tex, hipMipmappedArray_const_t mipmappedArray, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc)#
Binds a mipmapped array to a texture [Deprecated].
- Parameters:
tex – [in] pointer to the texture reference to bind
mipmappedArray – [in] memory mipmapped array on the device
desc – [in] opointer to the channel format
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipGetTextureReference(const textureReference **texref, const void *symbol)#
Gets the texture reference related with the symbol [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texref – [out] texture reference
symbol – [in] pointer to the symbol related with the texture for the reference
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefGetBorderColor(float *pBorderColor, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the border color used by a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pBorderColor – [out] Returned Type and Value of RGBA color.
texRef – [in] Texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefGetArray(hipArray_t *pArray, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the array bound to a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pArray – [in] Returned array.
texRef – [in] texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefSetAddressMode(textureReference *texRef, int dim, enum hipTextureAddressMode am)#
Sets address mode for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] texture reference.
dim – [in] Dimension of the texture.
am – [in] Value of the texture address mode.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefSetArray(textureReference *tex, hipArray_const_t array, unsigned int flags)#
Binds an array as a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
tex – [in] Pointer texture reference.
array – [in] Array to bind.
flags – [in] Flags should be set as HIP_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT, as a valid value.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefSetFilterMode(textureReference *texRef, enum hipTextureFilterMode fm)#
Set filter mode for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer texture reference.
fm – [in] Value of texture filter mode.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefSetFlags(textureReference *texRef, unsigned int Flags)#
Set flags for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer texture reference.
Flags – [in] Value of flags.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefSetFormat(textureReference *texRef, hipArray_Format fmt, int NumPackedComponents)#
Set format for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer texture reference.
fmt – [in] Value of format.
NumPackedComponents – [in] Number of components per array.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipBindTexture(size_t *offset, const textureReference *tex, const void *devPtr, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t size)#
Binds a memory area to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
offset – [in] Offset in bytes.
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
devPtr – [in] Pointer of memory on the device.
desc – [in] Pointer of channel format descriptor.
size – [in] Size of memory in bites.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipBindTexture2D(size_t *offset, const textureReference *tex, const void *devPtr, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pitch)#
Binds a 2D memory area to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
offset – [in] Offset in bytes.
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
devPtr – [in] Pointer of 2D memory area on the device.
desc – [in] Pointer of channel format descriptor.
width – [in] Width in texel units.
height – [in] Height in texel units.
pitch – [in] Pitch in bytes.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipBindTextureToArray(const textureReference *tex, hipArray_const_t array, const hipChannelFormatDesc *desc)#
Binds a memory area to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
tex – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
array – [in] Array to bind.
desc – [in] Pointer of channel format descriptor.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipGetTextureAlignmentOffset(size_t *offset, const textureReference *texref)#
Get the offset of the alignment in a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
offset – [in] Offset in bytes.
texref – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipUnbindTexture(const textureReference *tex)#
Unbinds a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
tex – [in] Texture to unbind.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetAddress(hipDeviceptr_t *dev_ptr, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the address for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
dev_ptr – [out] Pointer of device address.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetAddressMode(enum hipTextureAddressMode *pam, const textureReference *texRef, int dim)#
Gets the address mode for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pam – [out] Pointer of address mode.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
dim – [in] Dimension.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetFilterMode(enum hipTextureFilterMode *pfm, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets filter mode for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pfm – [out] Pointer of filter mode.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetFlags(unsigned int *pFlags, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets flags for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pFlags – [out] Pointer of flags.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetFormat(hipArray_Format *pFormat, int *pNumChannels, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets texture format for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pFormat – [out] Pointer of the format.
pNumChannels – [out] Pointer of number of channels.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy(int *pmaxAnsio, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pmaxAnsio – [out] Pointer of the maximum anisotropy.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode(enum hipTextureFilterMode *pfm, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the mipmap filter mode for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pfm – [out] Pointer of the mipmap filter mode.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias(float *pbias, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the mipmap level bias for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pbias – [out] Pointer of the mipmap level bias.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp(float *pminMipmapLevelClamp, float *pmaxMipmapLevelClamp, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the minimum and maximum mipmap level clamps for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pminMipmapLevelClamp – [out] Pointer of the minimum mipmap level clamp.
pmaxMipmapLevelClamp – [out] Pointer of the maximum mipmap level clamp.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefGetMipMappedArray(hipMipmappedArray_t *pArray, const textureReference *texRef)#
Gets the mipmapped array bound to a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
pArray – [out] Pointer of the mipmapped array.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefSetAddress(size_t *ByteOffset, textureReference *texRef, hipDeviceptr_t dptr, size_t bytes)#
Sets an bound address for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
ByteOffset – [out] Pointer of the offset in bytes.
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
dptr – [in] Pointer of device address to bind.
bytes – [in] Size in bytes.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
hipError_t hipTexRefSetAddress2D(textureReference *texRef, const HIP_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *desc, hipDeviceptr_t dptr, size_t Pitch)#
Set a bind an address as a 2D texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
desc – [in] Pointer of array descriptor.
dptr – [in] Pointer of device address to bind.
Pitch – [in] Pitch in bytes.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy(textureReference *texRef, unsigned int maxAniso)#
Sets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
maxAniso – [out] Value of the maximum anisotropy.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefSetBorderColor(textureReference *texRef, float *pBorderColor)#
Sets border color for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
pBorderColor – [in] Pointer of border color.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode(textureReference *texRef, enum hipTextureFilterMode fm)#
Sets mipmap filter mode for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
fm – [in] Value of filter mode.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias(textureReference *texRef, float bias)#
Sets mipmap level bias for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
bias – [in] Value of mipmap bias.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp(textureReference *texRef, float minMipMapLevelClamp, float maxMipMapLevelClamp)#
Sets mipmap level clamp for a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference.
minMipMapLevelClamp – [in] Value of minimum mipmap level clamp.
maxMipMapLevelClamp – [in] Value of maximum mipmap level clamp.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue, hipErrorNotSupported
hipError_t hipTexRefSetMipmappedArray(textureReference *texRef, struct hipMipmappedArray *mipmappedArray, unsigned int Flags)#
Binds mipmapped array to a texture reference [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
texRef – [in] Pointer of texture reference to bind.
mipmappedArray – [in] Pointer of mipmapped array to bind.
Flags – [in] Flags should be set as HIP_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT, as a valid value.
- Returns:
hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidValue
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTexture(size_t *offset, const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, const void *devPtr, size_t size = UINT_MAX)# Binds a memory area to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
offset – [in] Offset in bytes.
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
devPtr – [in] Pointer of memory on the device.
size – [in] Size of memory in bites.
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTexture(size_t *offset, const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, const void *devPtr, const struct hipChannelFormatDesc &desc, size_t size = UINT_MAX)# Binds a memory area to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
offset – [in] Offset in bytes.
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
devPtr – [in] Pointer of memory on the device.
desc – [in] Texture channel format.
size – [in] Size of memory in bites.
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTexture2D(size_t *offset, const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, const void *devPtr, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pitch)# Binds a 2D memory area to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
offset – [in] Offset in bytes.
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
devPtr – [in] Pointer of 2D memory area on the device.
width – [in] Width in texel units.
height – [in] Height in texel units.
pitch – [in] Pitch in bytes.
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTexture2D(size_t *offset, const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, const void *devPtr, const struct hipChannelFormatDesc &desc, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pitch)# Binds a 2D memory area to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
offset – [in] Offset in bytes.
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
devPtr – [in] Pointer of 2D memory area on the device.
desc – [in] Texture channel format.
width – [in] Width in texel units.
height – [in] Height in texel units.
pitch – [in] Pitch in bytes.
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTextureToArray(const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, hipArray_const_t array)# Binds an array to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
array – [in] Array of memory on the device.
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTextureToArray(const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, hipArray_const_t array, const struct hipChannelFormatDesc &desc)# Binds an array to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
array – [in] Array of memory on the device.
desc – [in] Texture channel format.
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTextureToMipmappedArray(const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, hipMipmappedArray_const_t mipmappedArray)# Binds a mipmapped array to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
mipmappedArray – [in] Mipmapped Array of memory on the device.
template<class T, int dim, enum hipTextureReadMode readMode>
static inline hipError_t hipBindTextureToMipmappedArray(const struct texture<T, dim, readMode> &tex, hipMipmappedArray_const_t mipmappedArray, const struct hipChannelFormatDesc &desc)# Binds a mipmapped array to a texture [Deprecated].
This API is deprecated.
- Parameters:
tex – [in] Texture to bind.
mipmappedArray – [in] Mipmapped Array of memory on the device.
desc – [in] Texture channel format.