Cooperative groups#
Cooperative groups API is an extension to the HIP programming model, which provides developers with a flexible, dynamic grouping mechanism for the communicating threads. Cooperative groups let you define your own set of thread groups which may fit your user-cases better than those defined by the hardware. This lets you specify the level of granularity for thread communication which can lead to more efficient parallel decompositions.
The API is accessible in the cooperative_groups
namespace after the hip_cooperative_groups.h
is included. The header contains the following elements:
Static functions to create groups and subgroups.
Hardware-accelerated operations over the whole group, like shuffles.
Data types of cooperative groups.
Synchronize member function of the groups.
Get group properties member functions.
Cooperative groups thread model#
The thread hierarchy abstraction of cooperative groups are in grid hierarchy and block hierarchy.
Cooperative group thread hierarchy in grids.#
The multi grid is an abstraction of potentially multiple simultaneous launches of the same kernel over multiple devices (Deprecated since 5.0). The grid in cooperative groups is a single dispatch of kernels for execution like the original grid.
The ability to synchronize over a grid or multi grid requires the kernel to be launched using the specific cooperative groups API.
The block is the same as the Inherent thread model block entity.
Explicit warp-level thread handling is absent from the Cooperative groups API. In order to exploit the known hardware SIMD width on which built-in functionality translates to simpler logic, you can use the group partitioning part of the API, such as tiled_partition
Cooperative group thread hierarchy in blocks.#
The cooperative groups API introduce a new level between block thread and threads. The thread-block tile give the opportunity to have tiles in the thread block, while the coalesced group holds the active threads of the parent group. These groups further discussed in the groups types section.
For details on memory model, check the memory model description.
Group types#
Group types are based on the levels of synchronization and data sharing among threads.
Thread-block group#
Represents an intra-block cooperative groups type where the participating threads within the group are the same threads that participated in the currently executing block
class thread_block;
Constructed via:
thread_block g = this_thread_block();
The group_index()
, thread_index()
, thread_rank()
, size()
, cg_type()
, is_valid()
, sync()
and group_dim()
member functions are public of the thread_block class. For further details, check the thread_block references .
Grid group#
Represents an inter-block cooperative groups type where the group’s participating threads span multiple blocks running the same kernel on the same device. Use the cooperative launch API to enable synchronization across the grid group.
class grid_group;
Constructed via:
grid_group g = this_grid();
The thread_rank()
, size()
, cg_type()
, is_valid()
and sync()
member functions
are public of the grid_group
class. For further details, check the grid_group references.
Multi-grid group#
Represents an inter-device cooperative groups type where the participating threads within the group span multiple devices that run the same kernel on the devices. Use the cooperative launch API to enable synchronization across the multi-grid group.
class multi_grid_group;
Constructed via:
// Kernel must be launched with the cooperative multi-device API
multi_grid_group g = this_multi_grid();
The num_grids()
, grid_rank()
, thread_rank()
, size()
, cg_type()
, is_valid()
and sync()
member functions are public of the multi_grid_group
class. For
further details check the multi_grid_group references .
Thread-block tile#
This constructs a templated class derived from thread_group
. The template defines the tile
size of the new thread group at compile time. This group type also supports sub-wave level intrinsics.
template <unsigned int Size, typename ParentT = void>
class thread_block_tile;
Constructed via:
template <unsigned int Size, typename ParentT>
_CG_QUALIFIER thread_block_tile<Size, ParentT> tiled_partition(const ParentT& g)
Size must be a power of 2 and not larger than warp (wavefront) size.
functions support integer or float type.
The thread_rank()
, size()
, cg_type()
, is_valid()
, sync()
, meta_group_rank()
, meta_group_size()
, shfl()
, shfl_down()
, shfl_up()
, shfl_xor()
, ballot()
, any()
, all()
, match_any()
and match_all()
member functions are public of the thread_block_tile
class. For further details, check the thread_block_tile references .
Coalesced groups#
Threads (64 threads on CDNA and 32 threads on RDNA) in a warp cannot execute different instructions simultaneously, so conditional branches are executed serially within the warp. When threads encounter a conditional branch, they can diverge, resulting in some threads being disabled, if they do not meet the condition to execute that branch. The active threads referred as coalesced, and coalesced group represents an active thread group within a warp.
The NVIDIA GPU’s independent thread scheduling presents the appearance that threads on different branches execute concurrently.
AMD GPUs do not support independent thread scheduling. Some CUDA application can rely on this feature and the ported HIP version on AMD GPUs can deadlock, when they try to make use of independent thread scheduling.
This group type also supports sub-wave level intrinsics.
class coalesced_group;
Constructed via:
coalesced_group active = coalesced_threads();
functions support integer or float type.
The thread_rank()
, size()
, cg_type()
, is_valid()
, sync()
, meta_group_rank()
, meta_group_size()
, shfl()
, shfl_down()
, shfl_up()
, ballot()
, any()
, all()
, match_any()
and match_all()
member functions are public of the coalesced_group
class. For more information, see coalesced_group references .
Cooperative groups simple example#
The difference to the original block model in the reduce_sum
device function is the following.
__device__ int reduce_sum(int *shared, int val) {
// Thread ID
const unsigned int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
// Every iteration the number of active threads
// halves, until we processed all values
for(unsigned int i = blockDim.x / 2; i > 0; i /= 2) {
// Store value in shared memory with thread ID
shared[thread_id] = val;
// Synchronize all threads
// Active thread sum up
if(thread_id < i)
val += shared[thread_id + i];
// Synchronize all threads in the group
// ...
__device__ int reduce_sum(thread_group g,
int *shared,
int val) {
// Thread ID
const unsigned int group_thread_id = g.thread_rank();
// Every iteration the number of active threads
// halves, until we processed all values
for(unsigned int i = g.size() / 2; i > 0; i /= 2) {
// Store value in shared memroy with thread ID
shared[group_thread_id] = val;
// Synchronize all threads in the group
// Active thread sum up
if(group_thread_id < i)
val += shared[group_thread_id + i];
// Synchronize all threads in the group
// ...
The reduce_sum()
function call and input data initialization difference to the original block model is the following.
__global__ void sum_kernel(...) {
// ...
// Workspace array in shared memory
__shared__ unsigned int workspace[2048];
// ...
// Perform reduction
output = reduce_sum(workspace, input);
// ...
__global__ void sum_kernel(...) {
// ...
// Workspace array in shared memory
__shared__ unsigned int workspace[2048];
// ...
// Initialize the thread_block
thread_block thread_block_group = this_thread_block();
// Perform reduction
output = reduce_sum(thread_block_group, workspace, input);
// ...
At the device function, the input group type is the thread_group
, which is the parent class of all the cooperative groups type. With this, you can write generic functions, which can work with any type of cooperative groups.
With each group type, the synchronization requires using the correct cooperative groups launch API.
Check the kernel launch capability
Do not need kernel launch validation.
Confirm the cooperative launch capability on the single AMD GPU:
int device = 0;
int supports_coop_launch = 0;
// Check support
// Use hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch when launching across multiple devices
hipDeviceGetAttribute(&supports_coop_launch, hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeLaunch, device));
std::cout << "Skipping, device " << device << " does not support cooperative groups"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
Confirm the cooperative launch capability over multiple GPUs:
// Check support of cooperative groups
std::vector<int> deviceIDs;
for(int deviceID = 0; deviceID < device_count; deviceID++) {
int supports_coop_launch = 0;
if(!supports_coop_launch) {
std::cout << "Skipping, device " << deviceID << " does not support cooperative groups"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << deviceID << std::endl;
// Collect valid deviceIDs.
Kernel launch
You can access the new block representation using the original kernel launch methods.
void* params[] = {&d_vector, &d_block_reduced, &d_partition_reduced};
// Launching kernel from host.
Launch the cooperative kernel on a single GPU:
void* params[] = {};
// Launching kernel from host.
Launch the cooperative kernel over multiple GPUs:
hipLaunchParams *launchParamsList = (hipLaunchParams*)malloc(sizeof(hipLaunchParams) * deviceIDs.size());
for(int deviceID : deviceIDs) {
// Set device
// Create stream
hipStream_t stream;
// Parameters
void* params[] = {&(d_vector[deviceID]), &(d_block_reduced[deviceID]), &(d_partition_reduced[deviceID])};
// Set launchParams
launchParamsList[deviceID].func = (void*)vector_reduce_kernel<partition_size>;
launchParamsList[deviceID].gridDim = dim3(1);
launchParamsList[deviceID].blockDim = dim3(threads_per_block);
launchParamsList[deviceID].sharedMem = 0;
launchParamsList[deviceID].stream = stream;
launchParamsList[deviceID].args = params;
Device side synchronization
The device side code of the thread_block synchronization over single GPUs:
thread_block g = this_thread_block();
The device side code of the grid synchronization over single GPUs:
grid_group grid = this_grid();
The device side code of the multi-grid synchronization over multiple GPUs:
multi_grid_group multi_grid = this_multi_grid();
Unsupported NVIDIA CUDA features#
HIP doesn’t support the following NVIDIA CUDA optional headers:
HIP doesn’t support the following CUDA class in cooperative_groups
HIP doesn’t support the following CUDA functions/operators in cooperative_groups
Reduce operators