Building HIP from Source#


HIP code can be developed either on AMD ROCm platform using HIP-Clang compiler, or a CUDA platform with nvcc installed. Before build and run HIP, make sure drivers and pre-build packages are installed properly on the platform.

AMD platform#

Install ROCm packages (see ROCm Installation Guide on AMD public documentation site ( or install pre-built binary packages using the package manager,

sudo apt install mesa-common-dev
sudo apt install clang
sudo apt install comgr
sudo apt-get -y install rocm-dkms

NVIDIA platform#

Install Nvidia driver and pre-build packages (see HIP Installation Guide at for the release)

Branch of repository#

Before get HIP source code, set the expected branch of repository at the variable HIP_BRANCH. For example, for ROCm5.0 release branch, set

export HIP_BRANCH=rocm-5.0.x

ROCm5.1 release branch, set

export HIP_BRANCH=rocm-5.1.x

Similiar format for future branches.

ROCM_PATH is path where ROCM is installed. BY default ROCM_PATH is at /opt/rocm.

Build HIP on AMD platform#

Get HIP source code#

git clone -b $HIP_BRANCH
git clone -b $HIP_BRANCH
git clone -b $HIP_BRANCH

Set the environment variables#

export HIPAMD_DIR="$(readlink -f hipamd)"
export HIP_DIR="$(readlink -f hip)"

ROCclr is defined on AMD platform that HIP use Radeon Open Compute Common Language Runtime (ROCclr), which is a virtual device interface that HIP runtimes interact with different backends. See

HIPAMD repository provides implementation specifically for AMD platform. See

Build HIP#

mkdir -p build; cd build
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install


If you don’t specify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, hip runtime will be installed to <ROCM_PATH>/hip. By default, release version of AMDHIP is built.

Default paths and environment variables#

  • By default HIP looks for HSA in <ROCM_PATH>/hsa (can be overridden by setting HSA_PATH environment variable).

  • By default HIP is installed into <ROCM_PATH>/hip (can be overridden by setting HIP_PATH environment variable).

  • By default HIP looks for clang in <ROCM_PATH>/llvm/bin (can be overridden by setting HIP_CLANG_PATH environment variable)

  • By default HIP looks for device library in <ROCM_PATH>/lib (can be overridden by setting DEVICE_LIB_PATH environment variable).

  • Optionally, consider adding <ROCM_PATH>/bin to your PATH to make it easier to use the tools.

  • Optionally, set HIPCC_VERBOSE=7 to output the command line for compilation.

After make install command, make sure HIP_PATH is pointed to $PWD/install/hip.

Generating profiling header after adding/changing a HIP API#

When you add or change a HIP API, you might need to generate a new hip_prof_str.h header. This header is used by rocm tools to track HIP APIs like rocprofiler/roctracer etc. To generate the header after your change, use the tool present in hipamd/src.

Usage: [-v] <input HIP API .h file> <patched srcs path> <previous output> [<output>]


  * -v - verbose messages
  * -r - process source directory recursively
  * -t - API types matching check
  * --priv - private API check
  * -e - on error exit mode
  * -p - HIP_INIT_API macro patching mode

Example Usage:
```shell -v -p -t --priv <hip>/include/hip/hip_runtime_api.h \
<hipamd>/src <hipamd>/include/hip/amd_detail/hip_prof_str.h         \
sudo make install

### Build HIP tests

#### Build HIP directed tests
Developers can build HIP directed tests right after build HIP commands,

make -j$(nproc) build_tests

By default, all HIP directed tests will be built and generated under the folder $HIPAMD_DIR/build/directed_tests. Take HIP directed device APIs tests, as an example, all available test applications will have executable files generated under, $HIPAMD_DIR/build/directed_tests/runtimeApi/device.

Run all HIP directed_tests, use the command,


make test

Build and run a single directed test, use the follow command as an example,

make directed_tests.texture.hipTexObjPitch
cd $HIPAMD_DIR/build/directed_tests/texcture

Build HIP catch tests#

After build and install HIP commands, catch tests can be built via the following instructions,

cd "$HIP_DIR"
mkdir -p build; cd build
export HIP_PATH=$HIPAMD_DIR/build
cmake  ../tests/catch/ -DHIP_PLATFORM=amd
make -j$(nproc) build_tests
ctest # run tests

HIP catch tests are built under the folder $HIP_DIR/build.

To run a single catch test, the following is an example,

cd $HIP_DIR/build/unit/texture ./TextureTest

### Build HIP Catch2 standalone test

HIP Catch2 supports build a standalone test, for example,

export PATH=$HIP_DIR/bin:$PATH
export HIP_PATH=$HIPAMD_DIR/build/install

hipcc $HIP_DIR/tests/catch/unit/memory/ -I ./tests/catch/include ./tests/catch/hipTestMain/ -I ./tests/catch/external/Catch2 -g -o hipPointerGetAttributes

All tests passed

Please note, the integrated HIP directed tests, which are currently built by default, will be deprecated in future release. HIP catch tests, especially new architectured Catch2, will be official HIP tests in the repository and can be built alone as with the instructions shown above. Besides, Catch2 is more beneficial which brings the flexibility to build any standalone test/application.

## Build HIP on NVIDIA platform

### Get HIP source code

git clone -b \(HIP_BRANCH git clone -b \)HIP_BRANCH

### Set the environment variables

export HIP_DIR="$(readlink -f hip)"
export HIPAMD_DIR="$(readlink -f hipamd)"

Build HIP#

mkdir -p build; cd build
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

### Build HIP tests
Build HIP tests commands on NVIDIA platform are basically the same as AMD, except set `-DHIP_PLATFORM=nvidia`.

## Run HIP

Compile and run the [square sample](