HIP RTC Programming Guide

HIP RTC Programming Guide#

HIP RTC lib#

HIP allows you to compile kernels at runtime with its hiprtc* APIs. Kernels can be store as a text string and can be passed on to hiprtc APIs alongside options to guide the compilation.


  • This library can be used on systems without HIP install nor AMD GPU driver installed at all (offline compilation). Therefore it does not depend on any HIP runtime library.

  • But it does depend on COMGr. We may try to statically link COMGr into hipRTC to avoid any ambiguity.

  • Developers can decide to bundle this library with their application.


To use hiprtc functionality, hiprtc header needs to be included first. #include <hip/hiprtc.h>

Kernels can be stored in a string:

static constexpr auto kernel {
    extern "C"
    __global__ void gpu_kernel(...) {
        // Kernel Functionality

Now to compile this kernel, it needs to be associated with hiprtcProgram type, which is done via declaring hiprtcProgram prog; and associating the string of kernel with this program:

hiprtcCreateProgram(&prog,                 // hiprtc program
                    kernel,                // kernel string
                    "gpu_kernel.cu",       // Name of the file
                    num_headers,           // Number of headers
                    &header_sources[0],    // Header sources
                    &header_names[0]);     // Name of header files

hiprtcCreateProgram API also allows you to add headers which can be included in your rtc program. For online compilation, the compiler pre-defines HIP device API functions, HIP specific types and macros for device compilation, but does not include standard C/C++ headers by default. Users can only include header files provided to hiprtcCreateProgram.

After associating the kernel string with hiprtcProgram, you can now compile this program using:

hiprtcCompileProgram(prog,     // hiprtcProgram
                    0,         // Number of options
                    options);  // Clang Options [Supported Clang Options](clang_options.md)

hiprtcCompileProgram returns a status value which can be converted to string via hiprtcGetErrorString. If compilation is successful, hiprtcCompileProgram will return HIPRTC_SUCCESS.

If the compilation fails, you can look up the logs via:

size_t logSize;
hiprtcGetProgramLogSize(prog, &logSize);

if (logSize) {
  string log(logSize, '\0');
  hiprtcGetProgramLog(prog, &log[0]);
  // Corrective action with logs

If the compilation is successful, you can load the compiled binary in a local variable.

size_t codeSize;
hiprtcGetCodeSize(prog, &codeSize);

vector<char> kernel_binary(codeSize);
hiprtcGetCode(kernel_binary, code.data());

After loading the binary, hiprtcProgram can be destroyed. hiprtcDestroyProgram(&prog);

The binary present in kernel_binary can now be loaded via hipModuleLoadData API.

hipModule_t module;
hipFunction_t kernel;

hipModuleLoadData(&module, kernel_binary.data());
hipModuleGetFunction(&kernel, module, "gpu_kernel");

And now this kernel can be launched via hipModule APIs.

Please have a look at saxpy.cpp and hiprtcGetLoweredName.cpp files for a detailed example.

HIPRTC specific options#

HIPRTC provides a few hiprtc specific flags

  • --gpu-architecture : This flag can guide the code object generation for a specific gpu arch. Example: --gpu-architecture=gfx906:sramecc+:xnack-, its equivalent to --offload-arch.

    • This option is compulsory if compilation is done on a system without AMD GPUs supported by HIP runtime.

    • Otherwise, hipRTC will load the hip runtime and gather the current device and its architecture info and use it as option.

Deprecation notice#

Currently HIPRTC APIs are separated from HIP APIs and HIPRTC is available as a separate library libhiprtc.so/libhiprtc.dll. But hiprtc symbols are present in libhipamd64.so/libhipamd64.dll in order to support the existing applications. Gradually, these symbols will be removed from HIP library and applications using HIPRTC will be required to explictly link to HIPRTC library.