hipDeviceProp_t Struct Reference

hipDeviceProp_t Struct Reference#

HIP Runtime API Reference: hipDeviceProp_t Struct Reference
hipDeviceProp_t Struct Reference

#include <hip_runtime_api.h>

Collaboration diagram for hipDeviceProp_t:

Data Fields

char name [256]
 Device name.
size_t totalGlobalMem
 Size of global memory region (in bytes).
size_t sharedMemPerBlock
 Size of shared memory region (in bytes).
int regsPerBlock
 Registers per block.
int warpSize
 Warp size.
int maxThreadsPerBlock
 Max work items per work group or workgroup max size.
int maxThreadsDim [3]
 Max number of threads in each dimension (XYZ) of a block.
int maxGridSize [3]
 Max grid dimensions (XYZ).
int clockRate
 Max clock frequency of the multiProcessors in khz.
int memoryClockRate
 Max global memory clock frequency in khz.
int memoryBusWidth
 Global memory bus width in bits.
size_t totalConstMem
 Size of shared memory region (in bytes).
int major
int minor
int multiProcessorCount
 Number of multi-processors (compute units).
int l2CacheSize
 L2 cache size.
int maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
 Maximum resident threads per multi-processor.
int computeMode
 Compute mode.
int clockInstructionRate
hipDeviceArch_t arch
 Architectural feature flags. New for HIP.
int concurrentKernels
 Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently.
int pciDomainID
 PCI Domain ID.
int pciBusID
 PCI Bus ID.
int pciDeviceID
 PCI Device ID.
size_t maxSharedMemoryPerMultiProcessor
 Maximum Shared Memory Per Multiprocessor.
int isMultiGpuBoard
 1 if device is on a multi-GPU board, 0 if not.
int canMapHostMemory
 Check whether HIP can map host memory.
int gcnArch
 DEPRECATED: use gcnArchName instead.
char gcnArchName [256]
 AMD GCN Arch Name.
int integrated
 APU vs dGPU.
int cooperativeLaunch
 HIP device supports cooperative launch.
int cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch
 HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple devices.
int maxTexture1DLinear
 Maximum size for 1D textures bound to linear memory.
int maxTexture1D
 Maximum number of elements in 1D images.
int maxTexture2D [2]
 Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2D images, in image elements.
int maxTexture3D [3]
 Maximum dimensions (width, height, depth) of 3D images, in image elements.
unsigned int * hdpMemFlushCntl
unsigned int * hdpRegFlushCntl
size_t memPitch
 Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies.
size_t textureAlignment
 Alignment requirement for textures.
size_t texturePitchAlignment
 Pitch alignment requirement for texture references bound to pitched memory.
int kernelExecTimeoutEnabled
 Run time limit for kernels executed on the device.
int ECCEnabled
 Device has ECC support enabled.
int tccDriver
 1:If device is Tesla device using TCC driver, else 0
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim
int cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem
int isLargeBar
 1: if it is a large PCI bar device, else 0
int asicRevision
 Revision of the GPU in this device.
int managedMemory
 Device supports allocating managed memory on this system.
int directManagedMemAccessFromHost
 Host can directly access managed memory on the device without migration.
int concurrentManagedAccess
 Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU.
int pageableMemoryAccess
int pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables
 Device accesses pageable memory via the host's page tables.

Detailed Description


The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-hip/checkouts/docs-5.0.2/include/hip/hip_runtime_api.h