
Applies to Linux


3 min read time

You can use the roctx command with rocprof binary to get marker timing information for each MIGraphX operator. To process timing information, use helper script.

Usage: [-h] [--json-path json_path] [--out out]
[--study-name study-name] [--repeat repeat] [--parse]
[--run run] [--debug]

The helper script provides two main functionalities: run and parse.


Runs migraphx-driver roctx command with the given migraphx-driver knobs followed by the parsing of the result which provides GPU kernel timing information. You can pass the MIGraphX knobs via a string to –run knob. See the _roctx-examples for usage.


Parses JSON file in the given --json-path and provides GPU kernel timing information.


Output folder


Optional. Allows user to name a study for easy interpretation. Defaults to timestamp.


Number of iterations. Sets to 2 by default.


Provides additional debug information related to data. Use for debugging purposes only.


Running inference with rocTX for a given ONNX file:

python --run '--onnx --gpu fcn-resnet50-11.onnx' --out output_folder --repeat 5

Example output:


Hotspot kerel timing information:


The output provides SUM, MIN, MAX and COUNT information for each kernel executed for a given model. It also provides the average total time. The following three files are provided for reference:

  • OUTPUT CSV FILE: Provides a summary of the run which includes utilized MIGraphX knobs and related kernel timing information.

  • KERNEL TIMING DETAILS: Provides the hotspot kernel timing information.

  • ALL DATA FROM ALL RUNS: Provides all output data related to all iterations executed during a run.

Parsing an existing JSON file:

python --parse --json-path ../trace.json