This is an old version of ROCm documentation. Read the latest ROCm release documentation to stay informed of all our developments.

Linux Folder Structure Reorganization#

Applies to Linux


9 min read time


ROCm™ packages have adopted the Linux foundation file system hierarchy standard to ensure ROCm components follow open source conventions for Linux-based distributions. Following is the ROCm proposed file structure.

    | -- bin
         | -- all public binaries
    | -- lib
         | -- lib<soname>.so->lib<soname>.so.major->lib<soname>.so.major.minor.patch
              (public libaries to link with applications)
         | -- <component>
              | -- architecture dependent libraries and binaries used internally by components
         | -- cmake
              | -- <component>
                   | --<component>-config.cmake
    | -- libexec
         | -- <component>
              | -- non ISA/architecture independent executables used internally by components
    | -- include
         | -- <component>
              | -- public header files
    | -- share
         | -- html
              | -- <component>
                   | -- html documentation
         | -- info
              | -- <component>
                   | -- info files
         | -- man
              | -- <component>
                   | -- man pages
         | -- doc
              | -- <component>
                   | -- license files
         | -- <component>
              | -- samples
              | -- architecture independent misc files

Changes from earlier ROCm versions#

ROCm with the file reorganization is going to have a lean structure. Following table gives the comparison with new and old folder structure.

|  New File Structure         |  Old File Structure    |
| /opt/rocm-<ver>             | /opt/rocm-<ver>        |
|     | -- bin                |     | -- bin           |
|     | -- lib                |     | -- lib           |
|          | -- cmake         |     | -- include       |
|     | -- libexec            |     | -- <component_1> |
|     | -- include            |          | -- bin      |
|          | -- <component_1> |          | -- cmake    |
|     | -- share              |          | -- doc      |
|          | -- html          |          | -- lib      |
|          | -- info          |          | -- include  |
|          | -- man           |          | -- samples  |
|          | -- doc           |     | -- <component_n> |
|          | -- <component_1> |          | -- bin      |
|               | -- samples  |          | -- cmake    |
|               | -- ..       |          | -- doc      |
|          | -- <component_n> |          | -- lib      |
|               | -- samples  |          | -- include  |
|               | -- ..       |          | -- samples  |

ROCm File reorganization transition plan#

New file organization for ROCm was first introduced ROCm v5.2 release. Backward compatibility was in place to make sure users had a chance to change their applications using ROCm. ROCm has moved header files and libraries to its new location as indicated in the above structure and included symbolic-link and wrapper header files in its old location for backward compatibility.

Wrapper header files#

Wrapper header files are placed in the old location ( /opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/include) with a warning message to include files from the new location (/opt/rocm-xxx/include) as shown in the example below.

#pragma message "This file is deprecated. Use file from include path /opt/rocm-ver/include/ and prefix with hip."
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"

The deprecation plan for backward compatibility wrapper header files is as follows

  • #pragma message announcing deprecation – ROCm v5.2 release.

  • #pragma message changed to #warning – Future release, tentatively ROCm v5.5.

  • #warning changed to #error – Future release, tentatively ROCm v5.6.

  • Backward compatibility wrappers removed – Future release, tentatively ROCm v6.0.

Executable files#

Executable files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/bin folder. For backward compatibility, the old library location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/bin) has a soft link to the library at the new location. Soft links will be removed in a future release, tentatively ROCm v6.0.

$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/bin/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 Jan 1 23:32 hipcc -> ../../bin/hipcc

Library files#

Library files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib folder. For backward compatibility, the old library location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib) has a soft link to the library at the new location. Soft links will be removed in a future release, tentatively ROCm v6.0.

$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan 1 10:45 cmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 Jan 1 23:32 -> ../../lib/

CMake Config files#

All CMake configuration files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib/cmake/<component> folder. For backward compatibility, the old CMake locations (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib/cmake) consist of a soft link to the new CMake config. Soft links will be removed in a future release, tentatively ROCm v6.0.

$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/cmake/hip/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Jan 1 23:32 hip-config.cmake -> ../../../../lib/cmake/hip/hip-config.cmake

Changes required in applications using ROCm#

Applications using ROCm are advised to use the new file paths. As the old files will be deprecated in a future release. Application have to make sure to include correct header file and use correct search paths.

  1. #include<header_file.h> needs to be changed to #include <component/header_file.h>

    For example: #include <hip.h> needs to change to #include <hip/hip.h>

  2. Any variable in CMake or Makefiles pointing to component folder needs to changed.

    For example: VAR1=/opt/rocm/hip needs to be changed to VAR1=/opt/rocm VAR2=/opt/rocm/hsa needs to be changed to VAR2=/opt/rocm

  3. Any reference to /opt/rocm/<component>/bin or /opt/rocm/<component>/lib needs to be changed to /opt/rocm/bin and /opt/rocm/lib/ respectively.


ROCm deprecation warning

Linux File System Standard